Free Silver Overcoming Diabetes, Lyme and Other Dis-eases Event

You are invited to Leading Edge University’s Free Silver Overcoming Diabetes, Lyme, and Other Dis-eases Event, which will be held in Olympia and Chehalis.

FEBRUARY: 10:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. OLYMPIA and CHEHALIS

10:00 a.m. Free Silver with Wayne Rowland

Join Wayne Rowland for an enlightening and transformative talk on the fascinating topic of “Free Silver,” presented by the visionary creator of Tesla Lightning Colloidal Silver. This engaging session will take you on a journey through the innovative invention of Tesla Lightning Colloidal Silver, a groundbreaking health supplement renowned for its remarkable benefits. Attendees receive 2 ounces of Wayne’s Silver.

11:00 a.m. Diabetes is a Choice by Wayne Rowland

We invite you to an eye-opening and empowering talk titled “Diabetes is a Choice,” where you will hear from a revolutionary health advocate who challenges the conventional wisdom about diabetes. In this provocative session, the speaker will reveal why diabetes is not the incurable disease your doctor says it is and how you can take control of your health with a comprehensive natural program.

12:00 p.m. You May Have Lyme Disease and How to Get Rid of It by Herb Roi Richards

Join Herb Roi Richards, Ph. D., for an inspiring and potentially life-changing talk titled “You May Have Lyme Disease and How to Get Rid of It.” This dynamic speaker, along with his wife, triumphed over chronic Lyme disease. In this compelling session, he will share their remarkable journey of overcoming what was once deemed an incurable condition, offering hope and practical solutions to those suffering from this and other debilitating diseases.

1:00 p.m. Get Your Healthy Life Back with MMS with Paris Humble

Discover the transformative healing power of chlorine dioxide, also known as MMS, in an enlightening talk titled “Get Your Healthy Life Back with MMS.” Join Paris Humble as a renowned health advocate who shares the incredible benefits of this inexpensive yet powerful chemical and how it can help you reclaim your health by eliminating harmful pathogens in the body.

2:00 p.m. Worms Are Killing You with Wayne Rowland

Uncover the hidden truth about parasites in an eye-opening talk titled “Worms Are Killing You!” Join Wayne Rowland, a passionate medical medium who reveals the alarming prevalence of parasites, including worms, in the United States—an issue far more widespread than the American Medical Association acknowledges. In this compelling session, you will learn why conventional medicine often overlooks these parasites and how they could impact your health.

3:00 p.m. What if You Had 6 Months to Live? with David M Masters

Join David M Masters for an inspirational and life-changing presentation titled “What if You Had 6 Months to Live?” led by renowned Olympia Life Coach and Natural Alternative Specialist. This empowering talk challenges individuals diagnosed with incurable diseases to take a proactive, natural, holistic approach to reclaiming their lives rather than accepting a grim prognosis.

4:00 p.m. Eliminate Disease Once and for All with Wayne Rowland

Join us for a provocative and informative talk titled “Eliminate Disease Once and for All,” where inventor Wayne Rowland, a leading-edge alternative health expert, addresses the alarming rise of diseases in America. This eye-opening presentation will uncover the sources of toxicity and pathogens in our environment and provide actionable solutions to reclaim your health.


February 15

10:00 a.m.

Olympia Center

 Olympia, Washington

February 22

10:00 a.m.

Reiki Ranch

 Chehalis, Washington

Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from leading health experts and embark on the path to a disease-free life. Join us and discover how to detoxify your body, eliminate parasites, and reclaim your health and vitality.

All are welcome. Limited to seats on hand. First come, first serve.
If you come late and there is no seat available, you can be put on a waiting list for the next event.

For more information, call (360) 748-4426

More Details


The Invention Story:

• Discover the intriguing history behind Tesla Lightning Colloidal Silver.
• Learn about the personal tragedy, unique inspiration, and scientific principles that led to its creation.
• Gain insight into the meticulous process of developing this exceptional colloidal silver, often referred to as “musical water.”

Health Benefits:

• Understand the diverse health advantages of using Tesla Lightning Colloidal Silver.
• Explore how this inexpensive supplement can enhance your wellness and support your immune system.
• Hear testimonials and case studies from individuals who have experienced the positive effects of this product.

As a special gift, all attendees will receive a complimentary 2-ounce bottle of Tesla Lightning Colloidal Silver to experience its benefits firsthand. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from the creator himself and take a step towards improved health with this innovative solution.


Rethinking Diabetes:

• Uncover the myths surrounding diabetes and why it’s often mischaracterized as a lifelong condition.
• Learn about the root causes of diabetes and how they can be addressed naturally.

Comprehensive Natural Program:

• Discover a holistic program that combines parasite cleansing, deworming, and gut-rebuilding products designed to combat diabetes.
• Gain insights into the specific steps and products that have helped countless individuals reverse their diabetes.

The Role of Silver Water:

• Understand the unique properties of Silver Water and how it plays a crucial role in the program.
• Hear success stories from people who have said “goodbye” to diabetes using this innovative approach.

By the end of this talk, you will be equipped with the knowledge and tools to take charge of your health and overcome diabetes, including Wayne’s 10-case guarantee. This session is not just about managing symptoms; it’s about transforming your life and achieving lasting wellness.


Personal Triumph:

• Hear the powerful and uplifting story of how Herb Roi Richards and his wife, Taylore, conquered chronic Lyme disease in just a year.
• Learn about their struggle, determination, and the unconventional approach that led to their recovery.

The Chlorine Dioxide Solution:

• Discover the inexpensive and effective treatment they used: chlorine dioxide.
• Understand how this simple, low-cost solution eradicated their Lyme disease symptoms and restored their health.

Widespread Impact:

• Find out how they have helped thousands of others overcome Lyme disease with the same treatment.
• Listen to testimonials and success stories from people who have benefited from this approach.

The Hidden Truth About Lyme Disease:

• Learn why Lyme disease is often misdiagnosed and how its symptoms can mimic those of other common diseases.
• Get informed about the prevalence of Lyme disease and why you might have it without knowing.

Special Bonus:

• Discover how the same affordable treatment might be the key to resolving symptoms of other misdiagnosed diseases.
• Engage in a Q&A session where you can ask specific questions and get personalized advice.

Attending this talk will give you invaluable knowledge about identifying and treating Lyme disease, potentially transforming your health and quality of life. This session is necessary for anyone dealing with unexplained chronic symptoms or seeking alternative solutions to persistent health issues.


Understanding MMS:

• Learn what chlorine dioxide (MMS) is and its origins in industrial applications as a potent pathogen killer.
• Discover how MMS can safely and effectively combat various pathogens in the human body.

Massive Healing Capabilities:

• Explore how MMS targets and eliminates bad bacteria, viruses, parasites, fungi, and mold without harming beneficial bacteria.
• Understand the science behind MMS and why it’s considered a breakthrough in natural health solutions.

Pathogen Elimination for Health Recovery:

• Learn how killing harmful pathogens is crucial for recovering your health and empowering your immune system.
• Hear about real-life success stories and testimonials from individuals who have regained their health using MMS.

Empowering Your Immune System:

• Discover how a pathogen-free body enables your immune system to repair, rebuild, and regenerate, fulfilling its natural design.
• Gain insights into the protocols and guidelines for safely using MMS to maximize its health benefits.

By the end of this talk, you will be equipped with the knowledge and tools to harness the healing power of MMS and take control of your health journey. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn about a solution that could revolutionize your approach to wellness and help you get your healthy life back.


The Parasite Problem:

• Understand why parasites, including worms, are a pervasive yet underreported issue in the United States.
• Learn about the misconceptions perpetuated by the medical community regarding the prevalence of parasites in developed countries.

Myth Busting:

• Discover why conventional tests often fail to detect parasites and why your doctor might dismiss your concerns.
• Hear about the real reasons why parasites are not just a problem in third-world countries but are affecting people everywhere, including you.

Recognizing the Symptoms:

• Identify common symptoms and health issues caused by parasites that are often misdiagnosed.
• Learn how parasites can be the hidden cause behind many chronic diseases and unexplained health problems.

Parasite Cleanse and Deworming Program:

• Gain detailed insights into Wayne’s proven Parasite Cleanse and Deworming Program.
• Understand the steps and protocols for effectively eliminating parasites from your body.

Special Bonus:

• Discover the surprising connection between parasites and various diseases.
• Learn how eliminating parasites can lead to the disappearance of disease symptoms and a significant improvement in overall health.


Facing the Diagnosis:

• Hear the compelling argument against accepting a death sentence from conventional medical diagnoses.
• Learn about the pitfalls of relying solely on traditional medical treatments, including poisonous prescriptions and risky surgeries, which may only marginally extend life.

The Power of Natural Alternatives:

• Discover how a natural alternative approach can transform your prognosis and potentially offer a path to complete healing.
• Explore the principles behind natural therapies that promote body regeneration and youthful vitality.

Statistics and Success Stories:

• Examine statistics and real-life examples of individuals who have defied their terminal diagnoses through natural methods.
• Be inspired by testimonials from people who have turned their six-month prognosis into years of healthy, fulfilling life.

Proactive Healing Approach:

• Learn actionable steps and strategies for embracing a natural lifestyle that supports healing and rejuvenation.
• Understand the importance of mindset, nutrition, detoxification, and holistic health practices in reversing disease.


The Disease Epidemic:

• Understand why Americans are experiencing unprecedented levels of disease and chronic health conditions.
• Learn about the various sources of toxins and pathogens that contribute to this epidemic.

Toxins and Poisons Everywhere:

• Discover how our food is contaminated with harmful chemicals and parasites.
• Learn about the dangers lurking in our water supply, including tap water and natural rainwater, and how these toxins affect our health.

The Hidden Threat of Parasites:

• Understand how parasites invade our bodies, steal nutrients, and undermine our health efforts.
• Learn to recognize the symptoms of parasitic infections and how they can mimic other health issues.

Identifying and Eliminating Toxins and Pathogens:

• Gain knowledge on how to identify common toxins, poisons, and other harmful substances in your environment.
• Learn effective strategies for detoxifying your body and eliminating parasites of all kinds.

Path to Health:

• Discover the holistic approach to cleansing your body from harmful substances and pathogens.
• Understand how eliminating these toxins and parasites is key to eradicating disease symptoms and achieving optimal health.

By the end of this talk, you will be equipped with the knowledge and tools to protect yourself from the myriad of toxins and parasites that threaten your health. This session is essential for anyone looking to take control of their health and eliminate disease symptoms once and for all.

Speakers include Wayne Rowland, Herb Roi Richards, Ph.D., Paris Humble, and David M Masters.

Sponsored by Leading Edge University and the Reiki Ranch

No medical advice will be given at this event. Information provided by the speakers is intended for informational and educational purposes only and not for the purpose of rendering medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The information is not guaranteed to be correct or reflect the most up-to-date research. Independent research is advised. Consult your natural physician for personalized medical advice. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified natural healthcare provider with any questions regarding a medical condition. Leading Edge University does not endorse any medications, vitamins, or herbs. A qualified physician should decide based on each person’s medical history and current prescriptions. In a medical emergency, call 911 immediately. Leading Edge University does not recommend or endorse any specific test, physician, product, procedure, opinion, or other information provided during this event.

Taylore Vance