Secret Society Wealth Strategies Certification Degree Program

Leading Edge University brings you a special training and certification program to you at home, without having to attend a class on campus. Only a limited number of these Secret Society extension degree programs are available.

The live 2-day certification training course is $1,495 for both day and includes certification and certificate suitable for framing. Students earn 12 credits which may qualify for CEUs.


Course material includes the tightly held secrets of the wealthiest and most powerful people and families who control the wealth of the world. As new members are recruited and rise through the ranks of these secret societies, the upper echelon is introduced to these highly-guarded wealth strategies which imbue the highest members with political power and nearly unlimited cash flow to further the secret society’s agenda(s).

This is a highly confidential one-time limited offer, multiples of this certification degree program are not available. Only one set of course material and individualized certificate degree is available.

You will receive 12 credits from Leading Edge University which could be used as your continuing education (CEU) credits.

This is NOT a downloadable product
You receive via Priority Mail:

      • 15 Audio CDs
      • 1 Compendium CD which includes
        • 1 Class workbook in PDF format.
        • 1 power point of class slide presentations (with online access)
      • Plus, additional reference, files and information for the course
      • 12 CEU credits earned from Leading Edge University
      • 1 Degree Certificate suitable for framing

For centuries this information has been hidden from the masses, once you know these secrets you will realize how incredibly simple it is to access and control the nearly unlimited monetary resources available to the members of the elitist secret society members who control the lion’s share of the wealth and wield massive political prowess.

The most powerful and richest people in the world follow these ancient rules for wealth strategies to have nearly unlimited access to the world’s wealth and power.

This course eliminates the idea of “luck” or being in “the right place at the right time” which are often touted as being responsible for the wildly successful results achieved by the new wealth recipients who are climbing the ladder of success in these most elite secret clubs and organizations.

Thanks to this course, you don’t have to be members of secret societies like the Bilderbergs, Freemasons, and Skull and Bones. The Secret Society Wealth Strategies Certification Degree Program from the Leading Edge University includes the same financial and power success formulas which are normally hidden from us.

No longer will you be limited by the old fake “cover story” of success, “Follow the rules set by the government, get an education, get a good job, get married and divorced, enjoy a moderately good life, go to the doctor, pay taxes, and die.”

You will have access to the same information giving you the ability to change your life with the same tools wielded by the most successful and powerful people in the world including Barack Obama, Ben Bernanke, Bill Clinton, Bob Dole, David Rockefeller, Donald Rumsfeld, Dwight Eisenhower, Franklin Roosevelt, George Bush Sr., George Soros, Gerald Ford, Harry Truman, Henry Kissinger, Herbert Hoover, Hillary Clinton, Jeff Bezos, Jimmy Carter, John F. Kennedy, John Kerry, John McCain, Richard Nixon, Rupert Murdoch, and Warren Buffet.

Whether your aspirations are to be among the most powerful politicians or desire to accumulate and aggregate your own personal fortune for you and your family to enjoy for generations, Leading Edge University’s Secret Society Wealth Strategies Certification Degree Program will enlighten and empower you to change your life dramatically.

You will be able to possess the same powerful secrets used every day by the most pervasive politicians, bankers, and corporate executives in the United States of America, and enjoyed by the most successful families such as the Carnegies, Rockefellers, and Fords.

Thank you for taking advantage of Leading Edge University’s Secret Society Wealth Strategies Certification Degree Program.

The remote version on CD w/compendium CD materials (as listed above) is $795.00

UPC: 045635291850

Contact Leading Edge University for class availability.

Taylore Vance