Regular price for this Ghost Hunting Certification – the complete program is $297.00.
Participate in the Saturday intensive program with full certification for only $197.00 plus text ($11.99). Save $100.00. Registration and class size is limited. Currently seats are available.
Location: Chehalis, Washington USA
Dates: Saturday, April 25th, 2015
Time: Starts at 8:00 a.m. thru 6:00 p.m.
Additional information: Potluck lunch break (bring an item for you and another).
Lodging: Is available on and off campus. Call for information.
Registrar: (360) 748-4426
Discover the answers to perplexing questions, like, what are ghosts? How do we interact with them? What is the meaning behind your client’s ghostly experience? And learn how to communicate with and either rid or relocate ghosts to more appropriate locations.
This is a high-level parapsychology learning event. Discover the advanced science of ghost busting, not just documenting ghosts or otherworldly entities, but engage them in interactive communication.
These paranormal studies will help students to learn to use two-way live communication without the use of expensive “ghost hunting” electronic equipment to not only identify entities who have once lived but help them pass on; not just clearing an area of psychic phenomena, leaving the entity or energy to find another victim or location to inhabit.
The instructors for this course have years of experience in paranormal research, communicating with ghosts, resolving spiritual issues and finding answers to paranormal questions that had been otherwise unresolved.
This parapsychology ghost hunting course includes live communication with ghosts and ascended beings qualifying you as a psychic disturbance investigator.
Learn advanced skills, not to be confused with the passive paranormal investigations that you may have seen on television. The psychic conflict resolution approach taught in this ghost hunting course is highly effective interactive and offers results, not just basic education that leaves one with more questions.
Get the skills that you need to be qualified to investigate paranormal phenomena communicate with ghosts and intervene in psychic traumatic scenarios including apparitions, demons, poltergeists and hauntings without expensive electronic equipment or placing one’s self at risk.
Graduates of this parapsychological studies course will be certified ghost hunters qualified to adapt to a variety of psychic experiences and registered with a national registry of ghost busting professionals.
Get your certification from Leading Edge University and become the reigning expert in the field of ghost hunting while earning CEU credits.
Regular price for this complete program is $297.00.
Participate in the weekend intensive program with full certification for only $197.00 plus text $11.99.
Contact Leading Edge University for more information.
Phone: (360) 748-4426