Alternative Medicine for Lyme Disease for Medical Professionals
This course will present up-to-date information as well as unauthorized alternatives treatment options and strategies for the treatment of Lyme disease. The program will cover the many facets of Lyme disease, with expert faculty presenting evidence-based information and emerging alternative treatment modalities.
This course is designed for physicians, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants who work in the fields of internal medicine, family medicine, physical medicine & rehabilitation or psychiatry/psychology who provide care for patients with Lyme disease. Laypeople may attend.
Upon completion of this activity, participants should be able to:
1. Summarize recently updated guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of Lyme disease.
2. Review the medication treatment options for Lyme disease, including indications and major adverse effects.
3. Detail the non-medication treatment options and alternatives for Lyme disease.
4. Recognize the overall symptom complex and comorbidities associated with Lyme disease.
5. Summarize the underlying pathophysiology (central sensitization).
The numbers of chronic Lyme disease patients is growing. General practitioners are seeing the numbers of these patients growing exponentially. With an open mind and the knowledge gained from this course, you may be able to integrate some of these methodologies into your own practice or consider referring your patient to a trusted provider.
The most commonly misdiagnosed disease which is spreading rapidly around the world at an alarming rate, Lyme disease has reached epidemic status.
Patients bit by a tick can easily be treated by antibiotic regimen if diagnosed by bullseye rash soon after the initial attack.
For others who have Lyme disease without any recollection of being bitten by a tick, their struggle is a never-ending battle against the stealthiest disease of all, often masquerading as any one of a hundred different diseases.
It is common for a patient to be diagnosed with four or more diseases and treated for each one before the successive disease pattern is realized.
Physicians, their assistants, supporting administrative staff, and other students who take this course will be armed with the list of the Top 50 symptoms of Lyme disease and the Top 100 misdiagnoses of Lyme disease.
Patients with Lyme disease often become frustrated with repeated misdiagnosis, become depressed, and even suicidal as their battle against Lyme appears to have no end in sight.
Chronic Lyme disease patients do find their way outside the walls of the medical treatment(s) in search of something that works for them. And they have found many alternative healing modalities which offer them relief or freedom from the Lyme disease monster for which there is “no known cure.”
The course reviews standard treatment models as well as alternative medicine and treatment models which help suffering chronic patients with their long-term struggles with the disease.
Reviewed are the standard medical protocols for dealing with chronic Lyme disease, natural lifestyle changes which minimize the effects of the disease, and alternative treatments which are divided into different subgroups.
Included are the Top 15 “banned” modalities which are patently rejected by the FDA. The results reported by chronic Lyme disease patients are overwhelming, if not alarming. Once you learn of them, you might see potential value in them, or not. At the very least, the next time one of your patients mentions one of them, at least you will know what they are talking about and you can advise them accordingly.
Course Cost: $1,495 + Text: $8.00
CEU (Continuing Education Unit) Credits: 15
For more information contact Leading Edge University or call (360) 748-4426
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